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[Bug] tags
So some players have tags following them, such as "unbeatable" and "much wow" and "pizzeria". A tad weird so I guess it's a bug
(07-01-2016, 05:24 PM)Huracan Wrote: So some players have tags following them, such as "unbeatable" and "much wow" and "pizzeria". A tad weird so I guess it's a bug

I think Joe or other Management guy set those texts last night on few players including me, and it got stuck into the ID I think, whoever joins with the ID 0 gets the Much Gun Rawrrr etc which I had that night (I guess) it was fun tho!
This isn't a bug, but more so, someone having a bit of fun :)
And also all those NPCs on the boat, there is no need to add them, they are just adding entities and make people lag (maybe not but I saw a guy saying it did, maybe it depends on PC config) and also there are people pushing the NPCs in the boat entery so people can't get in the boat.
These have since been removed :)