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A little race issue
I went to /race 1 and finished it, it was very good had no problem, then I wanned to go again and I typed /leave right before the race started and as yo usee in the picture the countdown thingy stayed pressent...Reloged and it was gone.
I also tryed entering the race again while the "Get Ready 1" was there and it didn't repace the old timer instead it had another one overlaying it.
Hihih :))
[Image: 2a7a36b.jpg]
Waiting for responce?
As of today, Races have been re-enabled on the production server, with many bug fixes. Unsure if they'll resolve this particular issue, but I think it's likely. Naturally we don't want to sail the seven seas in search of a ship that's long since gone, so please, let us know if you see this again :)
Very glad the race system is back. I've been racing all day and noticed a few bugs.

In every race with bikes you can't end the race due to exiting vehicle (becouse if you crash by accident you're disquaified) but you can't also quit the race in any way, I tryed /kill or /leave, nothing works, so the only way to exit the race is by finishing it so the problem is what if my bike falls in water, no way of exiting it unless you die some other way or get fixed.

The other thing is on /race 34 and /race 35
[Image: 67abd11.jpg]
My car gets stuck in the map.
Sometimes I fall all the way trough and into the water and other times I get out from the road in 5-10 seconds.
This doesn't happen to me only (tested).
That's not good!

As for the inability for players to leave a Race at their discretion - Joe has opened a case about about this here: https://github.com/LVPlayground/playground/issues/165 - I've added a priority tag, hopefully someone will be able to get this fixed up ASAP.

As for the Race 34 & 35, I just tried (and failed) to re-produce this problem. Does this happen every time you join?
I just joined Race 34 once, same thing happened to me. I don't know if that was a coincidence or a real issue
It doesn't happen every time. But fairly often.