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[Unbanned] [L]Haunter
Nickname: [L]Haunter
Date of the ban: Today rIGHT NOW FOR NO REASON!
Suspected Reason: well basically all i said was JT do you have a wife? and i thoguht he didn't so i said i will have sex and then he said see ya njr and i didnt know why so he bans ! me well a mute would suite that 
Your IP address: I cant seem to find it soz
Extra notes: Rlly sorry then u cant do this btw serious? is this a joke or biasism never ban other perople?
hello Haunter you know i got a wife and wen i was born 
and you make it clear you know my real name 
wen i dont respond to it you say the stuf i wil not repeat here 
your lucky its a one day ban 
so see you on the 25-5-2016
Gonna' step in here for a bit.

NJR. Let me be very clear to you. You've been making these really annoying and possibly insulting/harmful jokes for a while now and we've all warned you plenty
After this one-day ban expires and I see you behaving like this again (or see you banned again for a day) I will see to it you don't get access to the server for at least a month.
Let this be a lesson. Your behavior is very unfriendly and simply unacceptable. Several players and administrators alike have asked you to stop this behavior but you chose not to. A mute no longer suffices so much to my regret we'll have to do it this way since you won't listen.

I'm one of the most forgiving people on here, as is JT. You're also lucky we changed the crew guidelines recently - otherwise you'd probably already be banned for a month :)
unbanned your free to join the server