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[Unbanned] Slick
Nickname: Slick
Date of the ban: 04/8/16
Suspected Reason: Semi-Recoil?
Your IP address: Shows IP as
Extra notes: I have played here a long time and would have no intentions of cheating. I have never received any kicks or bans previous to this so I have no idea why I am being accused.
Hello Slick,

My suspicions were based on this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J24y33a8...e=youtu.be

That thread/video explains pretty much everything. Since u've played here many hours as u say, we didn't want to rush with out decision before we can surely say what it was. Myself and one more LVP's admin tested that kind of cheat and we both agreed, outcome was the same as in that video, you were cheating. Even more I also shot you undercover using sawn-off and after you lost that big ammout of hp, from a huge distance, you just went off and rejoined without cheat.

-However I'm willing to reduce your ban length, if you admit what did you do ofcourse and if you agree that u won't repeat this in future. 

Or you can take your punishment, in that case you will be able to play again in 30 days from now.
I find it unfair that I cannot defend myself but instead the only way to reduce my ban length is to admit that I apparently cheated. An admin and myself caught the player, Pwner_Boss, who uploaded that video, actually cheating himself. He told me he would download it to "show me how it worked." As far as I know to install a cheat, you must leave then rejoin to activate it. He did not; he waited approximately 5 minutes, told me it was installed, then invited me to fight to "demonstrate." Here is the video:

I'm sorry, but I cannot admit to something that I would never have any part of. This is not the side of the forums I thought I would ever end up on. I think that this is a mistake that should be discussed amongst the crew and be taken further as this is a huge false accusation.
No, that's not true that you have to leave the game to turn it off/on. You can simply toggle it as we did while testing. And Pwner did this on purpose as can be seen from the chat so this video has nothing to do with this topic, it is useless.

This is going in wrong direction already, so I'll try to make things clear.

-This is ur ban appeal so we don't want to get other players involved (also, they can't reply to this thread so that'd be unfair), you have an opportunity to admit what did you do and I'd reconsider ur ban
length as I said. Now just stay on topic.

And about pwner: If u have a complaint, do it in-here - https://forum.sa-mp.nl/forumdisplay.php?fid=20
I did not mean to seem off topic nor complain, just wanted to mention he cannot be trusted as you are using his video as a basis for your proof.

What did you see me do? I also don't even know what the hell semi-recoil is or do I recall leaving the server at any point in time.
Friends of mine on the server and even a few crew members laughed and joked about that ridiculous thread, as they would say I was an aimbot/no recoil hacker when I would kill them. 

I do not cheat, plain and simple. As I mentioned before, I refuse to admit to something I would never do. I have never been kicked or banned for something like this in the nearly 9 years I have played on this server and I think this is just absolutely ridiculous.

I am not here to argue with you Deer, as we have known each other for a long time. If I could somehow prove to you that I am really telling you the truth, I would, but the only defense that I can offer you are my words. I just feel this deserves a second look as I have never been in trouble before. I did not come back from inactivity for this and I don't want my reputation here ruined over something I am not guilty of. 

Thank you for your patience.
That video is competent, there's not any other possible explanation for you losing that ammount of HP from that distance.
We were testing the cheat as I said, exactly the same bug appeared so we could easily make a comparison and agree what it was in your case.

Again, I saw you online, came in-game, shot you couple times from a distance and after you started losing that giant ammount of HP you just left the game.

This can't be described in any other way, I wanted to see if you are willing to help by telling the truth. Then it should be it.

- Do not attemp to join the server untill 05. 08. 2016.

There's been an internal discussion about bans, and they're how they're handled. Previously, in many cases, there was no rhyme or reason for a ban duration - some people got 3 days for aimbot, others 30 days. Clearly, this isn't fair. We're rolling out updated crew guidelines for bans to try and resolve this problem.

We've decided to unban you early :)


Have fun playing on LVP!