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It would be nice if theres a chatbox on top in forum :P
But at the Index page only ofc :D
I think IRC would be a better option - given that it's where most people hang out.

I've added a new link to the header, next to "Main website": Chat

Not everyone is going to know the meaning of "IRC" which is why I gave it that name.

How do you feel about that?
I dont know how to explain that now :P Im trying anyway..
Im still for my idea with the chatbox :D
Poople come here...reading the threads..and maybe there is a thing they wanna say, which you wanna say to everyone, but not post it as a "post" here
or if you want to say anything which has nothing to do with a topic here (for example if u just wanna say hi to everyone online on forums)

:D also for the reason that most people are not even coming to IRC...if they do they are writing ingame with !msg (most of the people)
And nobody in IRC Chat talks about things of the Forum :p

A chat here would make the difference, because once anyone joins the forum, the first thing they gonna read is the forumchat :D

Thats my opinion, but it wouldnt even bad if this idea gets rejected..its just a suggestion, because i was used to it on old german forums before i started playing on LVP :P (example http://www.native-sports.de/Forum/ )