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Need more Animations!
Nice, Sau! I completely support this suggestion!
Yo sis,
OMG, what a signature...
Evil Dead xD
I downloaded it :D
13 and only 3-5(?) are used (not including /dance)
add /blowjob please XD
(02-20-2016, 05:33 AM)Luna Wrote: 13 and only 3-5(?) are used (not including /dance)
So why more animations if people never use them?
Frankly, I've rarely seen people using animations.
So no point in adding too much!

I got an idea...

Why not creating a cmd like /animhelp? If someone types that the player will see a list of ALL the animations..if they doubleclick one of these the player will do the animation...BUT also if you TYPE ANY word which is listed in the /animhelp-list...

For example:
I type /animhelp...

Theres something called "barellroll" in the list..if I doubleclick it hes doing the animation...but also if i type "/barellroll"

Reason? Because there are plenty of animations existing already at the Server..and many people have no idea what they have to type adnd they cant watch them in any list...
(03-03-2016, 05:17 AM)Godey Wrote:
(02-20-2016, 05:33 AM)Luna Wrote: 13 and only 3-5(?) are used (not including /dance)
So why more animations if people never use them?
Frankly, I've rarely seen people using animations.
So no point in adding too much!


because most of the animations suck. but blowjob would be the most used if added :) not saying i would use it tho
From what I hear, the plan is to convert all the animations from Pawn to JavaScript. Once this is done, we'll likely add more.

(03-03-2016, 12:49 PM)[BkM]PwN3R_BoSs Wrote: Why not creating a cmd like /animhelp?

We have /animations

[Image: bjAxYfv.png]