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[Unbanned] BradsSeven
Nickname: BradsSeven
Date of the ban: 14 december 2015  around 20 pm GMT8+
Suspected Reason: Aimbot
Your IP address:
Extra notes: I wont use the aimbot again. i've learned my lesson.
Hai there,

Please wait for mr Granny because he's the one who banned you.
In the mean time, don't create extra topics, one is enough, I deleted the other ones.
And: ban-evading isn't helping either.


I initially caught sight of what I believed to be an Aimbot under another nickname, SlenderMan, and during our conversation you admitted to this:

Quote:[10:45] *%Nuwuni:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): You're using an aimbot
[10:46] *%Nuwuni:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): no
[10:46] *%Nuwani:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): Yes, your M4 stuck to my skin like glue
[10:46] *%Nuwoni:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): Whilst I was running around you
[10:46] *%Nuweni:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): ar u goin to rep?
[10:46] *%Nuwani:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): pls dont
[10:46] *%Nuwini:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): Why are you cheating then?
[10:46] *%Nuweni:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): im new. and i always get killed
[10:47] *%Nuwuni:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): That's a not a reason to cheat.
[10:47] *%Nuweni:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): You will improve and get better
[10:47] *%Nuwini:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): Without needing cheats
[10:47] *%Nuwani:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): ok im sorry
[10:47] *%Nuwoni:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): Quit the game, and remove them, OK?
[10:47] *%Nowani:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): ok granny
[10:48] *%Nuwuni:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to SlenderMan (Id:20): Well...what are you waiting for?
[10:48] *%Nuwani:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): killing artherr first
[10:48] *%Nuweni:%#lvp.echo* PM from SlenderMan (Id:20) to Granny (Id:1): he hate me

I was watching IRC and two minutes later, you rejoined with a new nick, after I had previously kicked you, then you left, and rejoined again:

[10:50] <%Nuwuni> [24] *** RUnner joined the game.
[10:50] *%Nuweni:%#lvp.echo* IP Address RUnner (Id:24):
[10:51] <%Nuwini> [24] *** RUnner left the game (leaving).
[10:53] <%Nuwoni> [24] *** BradsSeven joined the game.
[10:53] *%Nuweni:%#lvp.echo* IP Address BradsSeven (Id:24):

I then asked you again, you left immediately:

Quote:[10:57] *%Nuwini:%#lvp.echo* PM from Granny (Id:1) to BradsSeven (Id:24): SlenderMan, why haven't you removed your cheats like I asked?
[10:57] <%Nuwuni> [24] *** BradsSeven left the game (leaving).

You had more than enough chances to remove your cheats, but it never happened. Hence why I eventually banned you.

To make sure you're not tempted to use the aimbot again, please remove it - don't just disable it.

I've unbanned you, and here's what I suggest:

BradsSeven is a registered account, use it, earn some money (you currently have nothing in your bank account) by purchasing properties, exporting vehicles, etc. Once you've got some money in your bank account, head to Ammu Nation (/taxi 4 or /tow 4) and purchase spawn weapons and armour. You'll gradually pick up skill by playing legitimately, and you won't get banned.

Enjoy playing on LVP again :)
thanks guys. i appreciate it a lot. love u granny
Everybody loves Granny :)