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[Feature]Give Weapon Command.
i tried to give my weapon to my friend but no cmd for that.
add a cmd like /giveweapon [id] [weapon-name] [ammos]
add this system this is very useful for our server so please add it
this suggestion is very helpful for LVP .....
Man, Your Not Admin So You Cant Give weapons to Other Player Of LVP so i donot Agree With this Srry[I 'm Not anyone to tell you]

Hello TiGeR.,

Thank you for your suggestion.

In this instance, I disagree with you unfortunately. I can see the potential for abuse and it just doesn't seem like something that would be very helpful.

Currently, the only way to inherit weapons from other players is to collect them when they die (their weapons will be available for 10-15 seconds).
you guys can't understand me
we will be give weapons [ the weapons owned by us ] like we already bought from ammu.
i saw this thing in every server
like the sharing of weapons with any friend
understand meĀ  8)7