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Nickname: snowman.
Date of the ban: 27.01.14.
Suspected Reason: crash , pppfff  bad luck every crash in middle of fight will be ban now?? it happend lithrim you saw it was so quick i even dont stop to typing any shit .. and as i promise i stop with this shit
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Hello snowman.

That's indeed why you were banned. I'm considering the ban so far, I'll edit my post when I've made a decision.

It was not only me who was watching you when you got banned. We've discussed it a little bit and your "unfortunate timeout" story doesn't seem likely. The situation it happened in makes us believe that you made yourself crash even more likely.

Given your past record with kicks and bans of similar nature we've decided to give you a ban of one week, starting from when you were banned. This means you'll be unbanned sometime during Sunday 2nd Febuary. Do not attempt to join Las Venturas Playground until an administrator states that you've been unbanned.
You have been unbanned.