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[Unbanned] kaka[Dx]
Nickname: kaka[Dx]
Date of the ban: 7th December 2012
Suspected Reason: -
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You've been permanently banned for using no-reload cheats.
I honestly didn't expect something like this coming from you. It's a shame, really.
well it's not a cheat but yeah w/e u say it was a cleo scroll_v2 mod which had 8 shots continuous sawnoff
Well it's a cheating anyway's. Yesterday 98akc sent me this thing so i was too silly enough that i used it.I dont care what people has to say about this.It was a nightmare for me to use it and getting banned for it!
To the management: im sorry for that,being a part of this community for more than 2 years,the love for LVP was always there when i used to open my samp cleint + playing clean all the way and it all un-cleaned  in 5 mins of testing that useless mod given by a player 98akc.I feel sorry and ashamed for that and i hope it wont happen in future if i get a chance.
Sorry for double-post
Alright close this topic already gentlemens