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How to get to choose the server ip on multiplayer?
Hello, probably its just me, but in was wondering how to get to the server.... I can only choose from the list provided in the multiplayer server menu, where i can place some filters like race or free mode etc., but i dont seem to be able to enter an ip-adress somewhere to locate the server i want to go to.... Hope youll understand my question :) and help out, thanx in advance!
Add to Fav. First maybe?
Whilst in the favorites tab, click the "Servers" tab at the top. Click add server there and it will appear in the favourite list.
You can also use the buttons below the tabs for such things.
Well, i cant seem to find a favorites tab :( what i do: ingame i press uparrow -> (telephone comes up) -> enter -> multiplayer -> player match (->live) or ranked match -> custom match -> (asked are you sure -> enter) -> i see a new black screen -> left= custom match and below that= add filter/match type/game mode/player count/status and to the right it gives several servers to play on. Right bottom gives sumup off esc/enter/f5/del. So, no fav tab here... even no tab at all..... please help again estroe?! Thanx in advance
Oh, this was posted in IV, right. I thought you meant SA-MP, lol.

As for the IV server, I doubt it's still running. I never played IV online so never mind me :+