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[UNBANNED] Unban me please!
An admin thought i was using an airbreak cheat, but it was just a glitch.. i forgot to tell him (he just logged on) and i got permission from an admin (i wont call any name) to use it, for tonight.

Nickname: CptJohnMiller
Date of the ban: 29 September 2007, around 8 PM GMT
Suspected Reason: Airbreak Cheat
Your IP address:
Permission from an admin? I smell bullshit. :+

Tell us which one, unless you want to be denied. Oh, and administrators will never grant you permission to legally use a glitch, so I don't see a happy ending for you...
I'm the admin that banned you. Like tomozj said, admins would never give permission to use a glitch. You will be banned till you prove an admin told you to use that glitch like you said.
Combination of /world and /vgravity. Unbanned.

One warning though: using this frequently (to your advantage or not) is bug-abuse. That's not allowed.