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Two Music For LVP Radio
1. IF I CATCH YOU OFFICIAL - MICHEL TELÓ (AI SE EU TE PEGO) - COM LEGENDA by tmbenedetti Michael Telo - If i Catch You

2 .Italobrothers - Stamp on the ground (Official HD Video) Italobrothers - Stamp On The Ground
You must be kidding.
Hahahahahahahahahahah what the fuck that is so shit  _O-
no thx
The Newbeats - Bread and Butter (1964)
Any songs added to the Autodj MUST be public domain or Creative Commons licensed. I wouldn't mind seeing a thread where the listeners can actually shape what gets played on LVP radio, so make SURE you post only NON-COPYRIGHT tracks.
Talking Tom Singing Cannibal By Ke$ha!

This is better  ;( ;( ;(