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Vehicle Spawns
Starting from a scratch would be an ideal thing to do. I'm sure we can add certain vehicles in their usual places so that the players who are familiar with the locations don't get confused.

I have a few additions to your vehicle list:


Beagle - 511
Cropduster - 512
Skimmer - 460
Andromada - 592


Cargobob - 548


Coastguard - 472
Launch - 595
Marquis - 484

Loco Low Co Tunable Cars:

Tornado - 576


Mountain bike - 510
PCJ 600 - 461
Wayfarer - 586
Pizzaboy - 448

Remote Control:

RC Cam - 594


Vortex - 539
Moonbeam - 418
Newsvan - 582
Rumpo - 440
Mr Whoopee - 423
Mower - 572
Tampa - 549
Tug - 583

Trucks & Large:

Linerunner - 403
Petrol Trailer - 584
Cement Truck - 524
Bus - 431 (It's different from a Coach)

Will a Tram (ID 449) work in SF? I've driven a Streak in SF, but I'm not sure about the Tram. If it's possible, it'd be great!
Here's what I mean : http://i.imgur.com/HRkuI.jpg

I guess all these models should be sufficient. Spreading 1800 vehicles around the map in appropriate places will take quite some time, but it'd be worth the effort.
We can start when Jay removes all the vehicles from the map.

(05-18-2012, 08:17 PM)Sophia link Wrote: Jay ran a script on the live server a couple of weeks ago that auto tuned alot of cars. Now I don't suggest the auto tune script is used to beef up nos etc but one of the nice things the script did was change the colours of the cars from the plane boring default to those hidden funkay ones. In short the cars and server looked better. Having a script like that to make the cars a bit different than the boring default you see on most servers would be nice.

I totally agree with you on that. Even the tune shops don't really offer good colors, so it'd be nice if we could set default colors for some vehicles.
Nice job people! If needed, I can help as well!
(05-18-2012, 09:53 PM)Sophia link Wrote: I see what you did there Beaner, added some missing vehicles...  I know we can increase the number as I only have under 130 in the original list but I thought the idea was to remove some of the 'crapper' vehicles that are just a waste of space and a waste of one of the 2000 slots since no one uses them...

Like you Misc list doesn't really add anything like the Wayfarer and pizzaboy.    All the trucks like the line runner are just complete rubbish and slow - the only truck is the Roadtrain imo

Just my opinion

Slow or not, the point is to add some 'fun' vehicles. The server has always lacked a good variety of vehicles, so adding a few of these misc. vehicles around the map (probably 20 of them in total) shouldn't be of any harm.
The idea of removing the slow or random vehicles was good when we just wanted to make a few additions to the vehicle map. If we're starting from a scratch, having 20 to 30 fun vehicles shouldn't be a problem, imo.
(05-18-2012, 10:03 PM)Sophia link Wrote: There are plently of slow vehicles in my list, and true more variety is nice but I just think many on your list don't add anything and would just be a waste of slots.  Who's going to pick the REALLY bad cars when theres better ones around?

Just thinking of the 2000 limit - which isn't alot since Los Santos, San Fierro and indeed the entire map needs to be populated too.

Combining both our lists, the number of models come up to 147. Even if we add about 600 proper vehicles (which excludes my misc. list) in Las Venturas, 300 in San Fierro and 300 in Los Santos, we'd still be left with 800 slots. Mount chilliad, small towns, forests, etc. would need about 400-450 vehicles max. Compared to the 1100 vehicles we have right now, 1600~1700 in the new layout would be more than enough. We don't have to fill LS & SF with too many vehicles like in LV, since there are no spawns there and players hardly go there.

My point is, we're not exceeding any limits by having a vast variety of vehicles. It's just a question of about 20-30 vehicle slots and 8 to 10 models.
Please don't populate too many vehicles in one area. It can cause serious lag and seriously impact frame rates on low end pcs (more so than restricting the number of models!)
600 vehicles in LV - We very rarely hit 60 players. And if we did, 10 vehicles to a player, only in one city?

Honestly, from my experience of doing vehicle layouts a lot, I'll be surprised if you guys can fill LV (city) with more than half that amount (whilst it remaining lag free).

Anyway progress on the new vehicle handler is going smooth. I've ran some initial tests which are going well and will almost have it ready. It has some great new features that will seriously enhance the vehicle layout. Everything about a vehicle now saves - including it's colour (unless setting it to a random colour), vehicle mods, paint jobs, world, interior, custom name, number plate, access level (i.e. VIP/Admin), owner, etc. (Although I doubt the owner field will be used just yet :P)

It would be cool if, when saving some vehicles in the new layout, we could add some mods to them (EG fully pimp out some of the Sultans, maybe add NOS to the occasional vehicle, hydros on some low-riders, etc)

I'll keep you updated with progress. 
Sounds awesome, great work!
Okay I've just got a few more adjustments to make and this will be out of its alpha phase. Before we begin adding vehicles I'd like this to be excessively stress tested. Its a big, big, change. Its affected shitloads of stuff throughout the source. The new system has 12 files and is over 10,000 lines of code!


On Friday 1st June 2012 evening (any time after 5pm GMT+1) I need beta testers to go in the test server and type /v create [name].
Then type /v save. (Note: you need to be /admin)

This will save the vehicle to the database. Please also change various attributes of some vehicles (such as colour, world, interior, vehicle mods (eg nos), paintjobs, etc) using the /v command.

Note that vehicle colours by default are random. You can use /v colour or go to Pay n Spray or w/e to change is to a non-random colour. To view the current colour ID, use /carinfo. (Note that -1 = random)

Please also test vehicle deletion and that the vehicle remains deleted after the gamemode restarts.

All vehicle data must be saved to the database after a gamemode restart. To restart the gamemode for testing, use !gmxtest in #LVP.Dev on IRC.

Its important vehicle IDs are screwed around with and that the handler properly deals with them. For example, you might want to use /v create on some vehicles and not save them, but save others.

So, in short: Fuck around with the new vehicle system. Create em, save em, delete em. check everything saves after a gamemode/server restart and there aren't any bugs.

Oh, and I won't be there because of working commitments :)
So please post feedback in this forum.



I'm aware that the GTA minigame and probably the vehicle imports are currently stuq. These are on my todo list.

Apart from those two please test everything else that uses vehicles - /brief, /robbery, /lyse, /rivershell, /race, /derby, map zones, etc etc. Make sure they dont destroy or anything silly happens to them when they respawn and that they are all working fine.
I will be able to do some testing only tonight!
well.. i have some time aswell tonight - am i /admin automatically?

pm me for the time Pedro, i might join you ^^
Alright. :) Yeah, if you use the /admin command on the beta server, you'll get admin rights.