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Survival and x-ray
As everyone should know by now, you can do pretty much anything in survival. Even grief! The only restriction is that you cannot use mods.
You can't fly, since you're slowed down (trust me, I tried :D). However, we cannot see if someone x-rays.

We need to be able to control this somehow. It appears Geetax has griefed pretty much every single person that plays survival. I stayed out of the loop but the place I'm in was griefed (only took from Fate's stuff though :D), so he did find us. We're pretty much impossible to find unless you know where we are. We suspect he's using x-ray to find people.

FateTrip and I came up with something that might tell us if he does. Which is make an area not too far from spawn (to make sure he gets past it sometime) and fill it with chests with random stuff and more valuable things. But make it like 15 deep in the ground, so you really have to know where it is. You cannot find it by having a creeper luckily expose it or something. If he finds it, he pretty much has to x-ray.

Now this plan isn't solid as a rock so my question to you guys is, what other things can we do? Not only for this particular case but for every possible x-rayer. Are there any plugins or so available to check for it maybe?
Since regular xray plugins can't help with this problem (they just hide undiscovered ores) then best way to detect cheaters is to watch them and catch them in the act. Those plugins look if an ore is surrounded by other blocks (stone) and stream a stone block to the client instead of the ore. Chests are never completely surrounded by blocks so that method won't work unless everyone completely fillsĀ  their base with with stone.

Fix /poof or install a spectate plugin like sa-mp has [url=http://www.curse.com/server-mods/minecraft/spectate]Maye this one?[/url/
That will definitely be a step forward. We'd have to be there if he's playing to see. Our presence may cause him not to, but on the other hand, if he knows we're not around in the world, he could.
/modlogin could be usefull, I'll open a ticket
Yeah, indeed.

Anyone else have an idea?