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Hi, my ID: is DannySabbagh
Date of Ban:I got banned on March 11, 2012 at like 9:16 a.m.
Suspected Reason: Um i really don't know it just Die as the reason
If i did something like what war2k said in the creative mod he said he will fix it and next will ban me Im sry i thought i could mess up a village i didn't know sorry...if you unban me i wont do it ever again
my brother told me you think I x-ray i really dont i dont even know how to download it G56 gave it to me
Your relative Michaelxv205 and the rest of you guys were being a complete nuisance to the server last night and this morning. Chat spamming, and even some griefing. So unless you can explain these acts and how you were not part of them, I see no reason to unban you.
how did i chat spam? and can u name the greifs
Michael was giving it to G56 at g56 to me