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[S] /race

In some jump-maps u can do /race and wait for 60secs to get your race started - why not do this for the normal races aswell?
You can do races on your own in jumpmaps and practise ur driving along the track.. why not do this for the normal races aswell?

And plz: turn down the countdown to like 15secs - if someone wants to race (s)he should actually manage it to get to the race within 15 (or maybe 20) seconds.


another suggestion:

if u do /race u just get teleported to the race which is next (nearby) - and with /start u could start that race .. so everybody could join if the wants to by writing /race and get inside a marked area and wait there for the /start - if he isnt, the race starts without him.

I hope u quite get what my point is...

Greetz LE7ELS
just giving it a little bump.. 30ppl must have read this?  :?
over 50 views  O-)
is this even read by anyone responsible for the race-system?  :+

just lemme know that u've read it at least  :w
I've read it, however as I am not a developer I can't provide much feedback on the subject. Please wait patiently for a respond. Thanks!
bumping this one as the server is often empty and racing alone would be fun + train..

cmon i've waited for a month now  O-)
SAMP - Race Filterscript V 1.0

Maybe if ure using sth completely different or harder .. have no idea how u made the races in LVP  :w