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Nickname: Target
Date of the ban: Right now
Suspected Reason: joining /jump 1 minigame
Your IP address: You have it right there->

I got banned by darkfire, because i was repeatedly joining /jump 1... I don't see why joining a minigame is bannable. Okay it gives me 350 million per jump (actually not the first time but from every jump after that), but i can't help that right? I know this annoys the admins cause it disrupts the economy of LVP. So rather than banning people who join minigames, just fix it  ;).

Thanks for the unban.
You were unbanned before you made the appeal, btw.

Anyhow, since you didn't understand that a warning was, I thought a ban could help you from stop abusing the bug.

I hope you've learned, and if I see you do it again, you get a new ban, which wont be as short as this.

If you don't know "bug abuse" is bannable, and you got warned before darkfire warned you.