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[S] Various property stuff
  • Property adjustment:
    • In LVP we all talk about buyin properties, but we rent them imo, should this not be changed? (if u buy it no-one should be able to buy it from you without your permission).

    [b]New options with your properties[b]
    • When rent a prop u should be able to set the time 30/60/120 minutes but it should be time X price not that u only have to pay x2 if you want it for 20 minutes /i]
    • [i]Ability to teleport to your own properties with or without costs (can be done with the taxi system; give every property an id and create a new command like /goto /travel so u can use /goto #6 or something) I have some idea's that might work on how to protect it so it can't be abused. This might need to be capped to one property per session. So u have to choice your main property.
    • Ability to give someone your properties
    • Some small (new) properties should have the ability to be bought for-ever, so u always keep them (also after server crash); Unless someone robs them (this idea is still under progress by an other user; if the robbing feature doesn't make it this idea is useless imo.)
    • ability to see your stats of every single property like /staus #2 , this way u can see how long you own it and how much money u made minus the costs of buyin renting(
    • Create more gang props or change old ones to gang props. Create around those props an area (like in partyserver)  ; so when a gang owns an areathe area will get the gang colour  (like in party server)  or just a announcement in mainchat so they can buy the props
    • Create an alarm system for a property so u get a message when someone is within your property