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Disable Title Streaming
You must ensure that Stream Titles are disabled when Djing.

To disable title streams, in SAM Broadcaster, highlight your encoder (as shown below) and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

[Image: 15h5ra_th.png]

That will then bring up the Encoder & Streamer Conifguration dialog box.

Under the Server Details pane, untick both of the boxes entitled:

- List on public station listing
- Enable title streaming

[Image: ljgxv_th.png]

This information by default displays on SA-MP clients and gets in the way of some important textdraws ingame.

Maybe not put website url and irc channel as they're useless
There's no way of removing that line from in-game?
Nope :/
Hi, does anyone know how to do this in Virtual DJ?
You found out on how to disable it yet?
I've read some on the internet and most comments I saw is that you can't, unless you paid for the program or something.
Yes, I have found out. Need to know?