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A mission is a task a single or a group of players have to complete for a business to generate revenue.
I prefer missions that could have been added to SA to be consistent in the gameplay and not to RP.

How to get a mission

A player can start a mission by stepping into a icon in front of the business premises. A menu pops up with available jobs and the payout. Once the player finishes a mission they receive a portion of the payout, the rest goes to the business.

The main difference between doing a mission and being employed with a business is that by completing a mission you receive a part of the payout in cash, when a player works for a company they get to do more profitable missions and they do not receive cash after a mission, but earnings as a salary every ?hour.

This setup makes it easier for new player to grow capital and finding a suitable employer.

A business owner/manager can view a list of missions completed and by who, once a player has 'advertised' himself by doing a lot a missions the owner can invite this player for a job (and so a bigger income for the player).

Drugs runner

The task of a drugs runner is to retrieve packages of drugs dropped by smuglers and to deliver those to their warehouse.
This mission is more interesting to be played with competing businesses
Missions will get harder every time a business levels up.

A mission could be:

The employee receives a message that drugs will be dropped from a helicopter in the desert in x minutes. Once they arrive at the location a NPC drugs heli starts to fly a pattern and drops a package on every turn. The player has to pick those up before they 'disappear' or is picked up by the competition. Once all the packages have been picked up the player has to return to the business location to drop them off.

Locations can be varied, on the water with a boat. The speed of the NPC can be varied.

Once a x number of missions have been completed succesfully the revenue of the business increases, and so the earnings.


The paramedics have to pickup wounded NPC's and transport them back too the hospital, like the regular gta side mission.
This could also work with a Raindance helicopter and people on boats or on rooftops/mountains


A courier has to deliver a packages/NPC's from A to B. Roads can be blocked, B could be on the move by car/heli.


A burglar has to break into houses/offices and steal cash/objects. This varies from breaking into a townhouse with a NPC lying in bed and a safe in the bedroom and some sort of noise meter (only walking), to that big house in vinewood that is patrolled by a number of NPC guards that you have to avoid by stepping into shadows. The object stolen can be placed in the hands of the burglar to make it more real. Once the object has been stolen, the player has to return to the safehouse/business premises and maybe avoid parked patrol cars on their way home. Being detected should start a timer within the player has to distance himself from the detector or move to a checkpoint.

Please reply with more mission ideas/suggestions
