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somethings wrog
i have problem with withdraw wen i am in bank and want to withdrw money it says that i have to be in ATM. so what ish that ATM? i red that #166 property have to be it. But where is it. I would be fine if someone tell me how to withdraw money.
First of all, you should have read this thread.
Secondly, you should have searched through the forums and then you would have found this post, which would have told you that it is fixed for the next update.
shit man i already been read that thread and there are nothing said about how to withdraw money or locate #166 property. if you too lazy to answer so don't write nothing. I have read the rules (i allways read it) and that post i allways cheking that someone would give an advise to withdraw money, but i saw than none cares so i created my own thread. :D
In the topic Spaik kindly linked, it says "fixed in the next update", and then it was locked. That means someone does "care", and you're just not reading properly. :+

To sum it up: Get both an eye test, and attend an English class.  O-)

Locked. :>