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Copied Shit
This topic shall be used to keep track of what has been copied to the new world, and for who. Just edit this post to add to the list! :)

evanziggyzigs: His shop, and underground part- MacSto
CJST: His house, as seen at spawn. - MacSto
LobbyZ: Underground chest shit. - MacSto
BrainDeadGamer: Huge house, outskirts of current main town. - MacSto
alecs14: Just a few chests. - MacSto
HeyItsSteveo: Just a few chests. - MacSto
CJST: Some other house, also moved the other house somewhere else. - Rien
Vinpower: 2 building things. - Rien
readta: 2 things in the air. - MacSto
Some SG guy: some tower thingy. - MacSto
xskinxbonesx: some pixel art shit. - MacSto
Nj: double helix tower and wooden butt plug tower - War2k