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Development Server Info
We now have a separate server for development/testing purposes! For login credentials, please contact Minecraft Management, AKA Rien.

Server Directory:
The server files can be found in ~/server. Please be sure to do all testing in this directory, to avoid conflict with the main server. Naturally, any changes made here will/should not effect the main server.

Starting the Server
There are two ways to start the server. Also, please note that server should not be running unless it is in use. Leaving it running is just a waste of our main server's resources, and has no purpose.
    -1. SSH to the server. Be sure to cd to the "server" directory. This is where all commands should be executed. For debugging purposes, it is best to use "java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui". This method will show a continuous log of all server messages, unlike the second method will.
    -2. The second method to start the server would be to use the start script found the init.d directory. Just as the first method, be sure to cd to the testserver directory, and execute "/etc/init.d/minecrafttest start". This will run the script and start the server. You may use "screen -x" to see the server console, and execute server commands. Be sure to use the stop command when you are done testing, because this script will allow the server to run continuously in the background.

Connecting to the Server
To connect to the development server, you must use Port 11337. So, that means the server IP is "". As we cannot password protect the server, we do ask that you don't share the port with players. There are only 5 allocated player slots configured, and there is no reason for a player to have access to the server anyway.

Stopping the Server
To avoid file corruption, we would like to ask that you stop the server properly when you are done done using it. This will ensure that the main server is taking advantage of as much of the resources as it can, and nothing goes to waste. In the Minecraft server console, simply use "stop" to stop the processes. Simply closing out of your SSH session will not allow chunks to save properly, and if using the init.d script, the server may continue to run.

This should be just about everything you need to know to use the Development server. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. Between Rien and I, you can contact us just about 24/7 on IRC. Thanks for Developing for Las Venturas Mineground, and have a wonderful time!

Edit: Please note that the testserver is in it's own account, so the main server interference is no longer an issue!
Port: 1521
Username: minecrafttest
Password: qKZrJWDbz7rU

For FTP, use the port 7845

MacSto already did an awesome job at explaining how to start it \o/