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hi i want to change the nick of Ice_Cube[SSS]


thank you please ...change it .
Does the Strikethrough mean you don't want it changed?
Probably means he wants to change the [SSS] to the front and stick to 1 S instead of 3 :+
.....then I certainly failed to understand that request.  ;(
I want to change it or is this new nickname
which is below:


Please post in this format, WTF.

Your current name:
The NEW name you want:

Might it be "[S]Ice_Cube"? [S] - is the tag to make text get a strike through.
Yeah, I had to write that as a code to prevent it from striking through my text.

Gotta love BBCode : D  -Kase

Kase, get away from my posts! Do not touch them!


That applies to you too Rien!
OH, I see now. My bad :P
I like my new nickname for me that I want to change

And if not tell me the format so
Your nickname has been changed from "Ice_Cube[SSS]" to the following:

Let us know if this was not what you wanted.