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[C] Useless topics, intentional spam topics, and these "question" topics.
The title I'm sorry can be misleading to what I properly mean, but here are some examples of what topics I'm referring to.

An example of "useless/spam/question" topics.



(which by the way there are already 1-2 of these topics very much similar to this one, an example would be http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=21392.0 / http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=21011.0)

(Why would such a topic like this be needed, if you are interested in someones birthday, just wait until it happens and it will be bold out at the bottom of the forum.)

(I don't think I even need to explain this, and for the record there are 1,000's, 1,000,000's of type of cake.)

(Actually, I must say I will not bash on this one in specific, mainly because he had taken the time to actually gather up all of the weapon names, and post them for people to vote on, but this would be another example.)


(I'm not 100% sure, but if I'm correct there was already many topics similar to this one, but this one has been posted in the LVP section which is really just a raise in attention and post count.)

(...  :N)

Topics that are totally in the wrong section.

(This video should be in general media dump, and also has already been posted once before.)

(If I were to post something like this on another forum, something that totally discriminates the administration and moderation, of any forum and game as an impression to my attitude, I would have been banned in a heartbeat.)

(Another old topic, but prove my point about the above.)

(It was clearly in the Las Venturas Playground section of the forum to gain attention, should have either been posted in offtopic, or general talk.)

(Classic case of trolling, and once again discriminating how administration is doing their job.)

Topics without any form of common sense, or are just plain out useless... the kind of topics that make you wish these forums had a "trashed topics" section. A place to throw all of those immature and locked topics.

(Banned for cheating, already been told more than 3 times in ban appeals.)

(Banned for cheating, already been told more than 3 times in ban appeals.)



(Discrimination toward the developers who actually make this server exist, if a player has an issue regarding the way the server is ran, or has an idea to resolve something that's becoming an issue. The player should either go find another server to play on if he dislikes this one, or come here to the CSI section, where as this is what this section was designed for. Instead of posting in important sections of the forum to thrive on public attention. But that just leads me to a more negative note, the people who's jobs are to run the CSI topics should reply to each topic, instead of letting denied ones just "slip past" as if it never happens, that just builds the attention that these forums are like the official SA:MP forums, which is actually a bad thing.)

(This topic does not benefit LVP in any way, or is really relevant to any production of LVP, instead it's just someone who supports the 5iN clan trying to show off a whole 4 kills to everyone in LVP in attempt to get attention.)

(If I'm correct it's in the rules to not have swear words, or "offensive", duplicated, or near mimics of others names. The modern definition of gay falls into the offensive section, as some people may not be offended by this name, others can be, some homosexual people find the modern use of the term "gay" as very offensive, as that was never the official meaning of the word. Also, once again, this topic should have been posted in the CSI as a complaint, instead of spamming an important board for attention. He had joined the game stating "I love dick" "my ass is wet" people can or will be offended.)

(Dominator33's first response is just about right down the ally of how people are going to feel about another topic posted to whore attention in the LVP section.)

(Should have either been closed or moved to offtopic, you can not even see the text, then instead of using the edit tool, he double posts, just to find out that he should have actually been posting this in the CSI section, as it's a complaint about another member of the board.)

Anyways, to leave this topic in a somewhat positive note, here are a few topics that are good examples of using common sense.

(This is not exactly an attention whore topic, this can actually be very useful to any further development in LVP, mainly because it clearly shows what style of minigames people enjoy around LVP, almost a survey of further things people would like to see.)

(I know, I CBA quoting one of my own topics. But this would be another great example of something that surveys and can be beneficial to further development in LVP.)

(This is something relevant, not exactly beneficial but is definitely something positive, on the subject of LVP, and also an update to some news that happened in LVP.)

Anyways my point being, any other forum would not tolerate such nonsense an immature behavior, most people would be banned on the spot for even daring to make such discrimination, spam, and lack of common sense while posting around. Forums are made for mature opinions, discussion, and support, not for useless spam, trolling, discrimination, and post whoring for attention.

Hopefully this topic will be read because I have taken the time to review posts, and type out this topic, will get responded to with a mature response and some action will be taken against such negative, and immature attitude that has been going around these forums lately.

... and as a side note, most topics don't really need to be shut down and locked, unless they're really bad, if they're in the wrong section of the board, use the move button and not the lock button.

Kinda regards,

[Edit] PS: a great example of good forum guidelines would be http://crymod.com/thread.php?threadid=67124 Crymod.com is an official modding forum for Crysis and other Crytek related games, and there is rarely ever drama or immature behavior around there. A uncontrolled and appeared to be poorly moderated forum can definitely leave a horrible reflection to new players who pay a visit here.