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[Unbanned] NEW topic
Nickname: Razord
Date of the ban: I donnt know
Suspected Reason:flaming
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Extra notes: i did flame because mod darkfire 2 times didnt help me when server bug when i used tp to Friend i go up ammu and use @ to help me and fix!! first time kick me, second he jailing me and lost money i start flaming! and he used his level to jailing me :D!! i need some fair!:D i am new player server lvp :) and know some about rules lvp server no need to be Tough
You could've just edited this topic. I'll poke Darkfire if I see him online. Until then you'll have to await his reply.
Hi. Remember crew members is there for a reason, and I don't really remember why I banned you now, cause its been a while, but yeah you ended up flaming me after some silly stuff - which I was right in, however since its been 5 days, I'll say your ban is over.
