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Got mi a problem with me speakers senor
sup guys, I got a problems with my speakers, help me out O+

I was having my bday party last saturday and they turned shitty music (hardstyle/hardcore) on really loud, and now my sound is ''crackling''..I tried switching speakers but that didnt work out. I googled a bit and I think it is my onboard sound card. Should I get a new sound card? And if yes: which one? My motherboard is a P5KPL 1600 by Asus. Thanks alot in advance :)
Try re-installing the sound drivers.

It probably was not from the sound being too loud but maybe from misuse. Maybe the cord was ripped out of the PC or something. You using a different cable when trying different speakers?
Well, after in- and unstalling drivers it seems to be working again..thanks for your help cloakster :)