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[S] Taxi Driver system

I had an Idea once, in that Players, who have minimum ~10 hours Ingame, have access to the Taxi Vehicles. There could be like 10-15 of them all in one Special area.
People could ask for Taxis like /gettaxi, then that guy has to open the Map and make a red point where he wants to go.
The Taxi Driver can then see that guy for example, Nickname(ID) wants a Taxi. He wants to be driven to a point,
that is xxxx kms away which would make $ xxxx .
So you can do /taxi accept ID or smth...
And then on your Radar you can see 2 Marks. One is Blue(?) and the other is Red. Blue stands for the Person you have to pickup, and the red one, where you have to drive. Or I dunno maybe some kind of arrows like when you do missions in single player and have to get to some point. And when you reach that Red mark with that guy who requested your Taxi, you get the cash. For the Arriveness you have x Minutes each km time.

If this is possible please DO it!
You may find a way to realise that  :P

I suggested that in LVP Survey too but I'm not sure