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[C] Fat_Cobra
cobra got unbanned and started doing bad things again ai ai  :'(
he abused me indoor, here is my proof: http://www.upload.ee/download/1030369/38.../cobra.wmv

i hope admins will seriously think about how to punish him cause he's trying to be a real bad boy, even with being warned he's walking on thin ice.
so today again, i killed him, and he calls me black :/
thats racism, i dont like that:
[Image: sa-mp-255.png]

and nowhe  starts with that excuse he said short version of "blackbean"  :(
You sent me a PM regarding this post and I would like to answer you.

Bugabuse is considered using an unfair advantage over other players, gained by using a bug or fault in the gamemode or multiplayer mod.
I watched the movie and Cobra does toss a grenade inside and he does run outside before it detonates. (The same thing you got banned for)
But he does not kill you with it, now I would like to ask you, if he purposely threw that grenade. Did he use the damage you gained from that grenade to his advantage? Was he standing outside the ammunation waiting to finish you off after taking some health inside?

Now onto your second post.
It is forbidden to say n*****. But black is just a color.
All Cobra sais is "uh black", if I look at the text above his line I see nothing about you. So I cannot find anything racist towards your person specificity in the picture. He could be talking about the colour of his vehicle.
Also he is not insulting black people in general, because he is not saying something about all black people.
So I do not see how this remark is racist.

I regret it took the crew this long to respond to this message, but I hope you understand my reply.