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Beta tests delayed
Well as most people who stay updated at SA-MP.com most likely know, Kye has abruptly came up with the idea to release a new version of SA:MP 0.3c, removing most or all custom objects. The version 2.93.5 (Also the version that LVP 0.3c was supposed to be released with) contains some of these objects and custom particles such as the snow feature. So now as a small delay these features need to be removed, after the development have painstakingly taken their time to prepare such cool little features for LVP. The next beta test date shall be posted here once confirmed with Jay that the server is near ready, here is a list of features that will need to be tested to ensure that the new version of LVP has no Major bugs in it. Also to keep in mind, the 0.3c update is not the bug fix update, it's just been stalled to a few minor inconveniences. So this explains why there has been no beta tests lately.


[list of things to be tested]

-All complex mini games that may require object movement and such, to make sure the 0.3c sync is not messing them up.
-All commands to ensure they are all working properly.
-Test all interiors with a custom entrances to ensure they are working 100%. (ex: VIP room)
-Test all /maps and /world functions, ensure they are running properly.

That list should do for now, I'll leave this thread to Jay is he would like to edit a few things in.[/list]

There has been a newly discovered slow down regarding the server crashing every so hours, until is resolved there will be no further testing. The next update is estimated within the next 2 weeks and there will be a huge beta test. Regarding this beta test there are many, nearly 50 functions that need testing for 2.93.6 pretty much all bug fixes. Although 2 weeks may seem like a long time it is well worth the time an effort put into this version, hopefully will be able to be released sooner depending on how things go.

The other thing that shall be tested is every function to confirm that everything will work properly with 0.3c, our goal is to make this next version as bug free as possible to make up for the last few recent updates.

The next beta test date will be: Tuesday the 25th, around 8:00PM (20:00) GMT

Kind regards,
I plan on being there!
10:30 GMT? Isn't that a little early? People will still be in school, it'll be like 4am for all Americans. Nevertheless I'll try to be there.
11:30, methinks I'll still be asleep then, if not, I'll do my best to make it :)
I cannot /o\

I'll definitely be at school.
We haz school.  ;(
(01-24-2011, 10:14 AM)Lithirm link Wrote:10:30 GMT? Isn't that a little early? People will still be in school, it'll be like 4am for all Americans. Nevertheless I'll try to be there.

If it's 4am then this is a no-go for me.

Change the time. To something not to early, people have school, work, collega, etc.
(01-24-2011, 02:35 PM)Tpimp link Wrote:If it's 4am then this is a no-go for me.

Change the time. To something not to early, people have school, work, collega, etc.
I agree. Fuck 4am