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[C] pause when fighting for a turf
Ok, so im the only one from my gang online, so i cannot take more turfs, therefor i decide to protect the turfs i already have. So 3 guys come there, do /gang attack, i take one of them down to 5 hp and he pauses, and pauses til 3 min is over and they get the turf. So imo it's not quite right, maybe u can do if a player pauses, the /gang attack is automatically over or smthg. (wouldnt make sense if 3 of my friends go on a turf, do /gang attack, put on pause and after 3 min the turf is ours).

And i hope this player gets some punishment cause he didnt let me to defend my turf. His name was Hysteria and here is the proof:
Thanks for reporting this.

Hysteria has been jailed for four minutes when he joins the server.

We'll address this problem for the next update.