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[I] Private vehicle ( extended)
Idea in short:

Place to park your own car you bought. it stays there even when you log out.

Idea in long :

When you buy a private vehicle( prices must be a bit higher) you spawn with your vehicle in a parking lot.
here are red markers where you can park your car, it's works as a bank. commands : /my v(ehicle) park and /my v(ehicle) get. When you don't park your car before logging out, you lose the car, But when you do park it before you log out, It's saved to pick up for your next in-game session.

You also need to be able to buy any car you want ( with some exceptions like Rc's and cars which aren't "legal" in the server. You should be able to Get a BMX or a nrg-500 too and use it with the same commands.

Car limit per person: 1 car/bike.

to keep economics running : a private car is only for 1 week. after that you need te re-buy one.

Do you like this idea? or do you hate it?
reply and tell me your opinion.
I need some opnions..