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[S]Fight club & rampages
Would be nice if there could be several fights at the same time, because it's annoying that every time you try to challenge someone the FC is full, and as soon as the fight finishes someone else has the command ready and you have to wait again. To watch them for example you could do /fight watch #, and to see which fights are taking place and who, /fight info or something like that, similar to /gangs.

And regarding rampages, they can be lamed easily: go to a virtual world with another player, /world setspawn, kill him 5 times and that's all. Now most of the lamers (which is the majority of LVP) are doing that. I think it's quite unfair to those who actually played 200 hours to get all 20 pluspoints. My suggestion is, rampages should be valid only if the kills are in world 0. Same for the "Deathmatch champion". Oh and something offtopic but cba posting it on bug forums, when someone successfully completes the rampage, it sends a yellow text saying "  has successfully blablabla", player's name is not shown.  :w
@ /fight: iou is (or was?) working on that, you'll have to await his reply.

@ Rampages: We'll only make the kills count in world 0.

Thanks for the suggestions