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HELP? gta sa crashing
i downloaded ENB series to try it out, first i downloaded a beta version and i put the D3D file in the gta sa directory after that when i tried to run the game it doesn't do anything..
after that i tried an older version(not beta) and now it gives me a crash message
even after i erased the d3d file and all, it's just the same

did any1 had this problem before?

i don't want to reinstall the game cuz that'd take forever :O
Try deleting gta_sa.set from your documents folder.

Reinstalling doesn't take that long, it took me about 20 minutes with my oldass laptop. And I think it would be worth "wasting" 20 minutes for the 20hours (or more) SA:MP playtime. *O*
nope, still no work

"my pc took 1hour to install it :x"
woot woot
i restarted the computer after deleting gta_sa.set and the d3d file and it worked lol
thanks for help lithirm