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Help with high ping on Window 7
Hello, today I went In-game and my ping started to jump like to 200 to 600. I'm not using any program in the background, so maybe you guys can help me out with this issue
Didn't you retire, fool?
There's a topic around here somewhere with a download link which fixes ping issues in Windows 7. Search before posting.
(04-16-2010, 07:55 PM)AbnormalFace link Wrote: Alright, my ping is fixed thanks to someone named Leat from LVP.  Basically it was a Windows 7 process that sent bits of data every couple seconds for who knows what reason, he said something about a media program, media player or some shit.

It was fixed by going into Regedit, and finding the network throttling file, and editing the value to 0. After restarting the lag spikes were completely gone.

Why this data was only being sent while a fullscreen app was running is also strange, but thats how it worked.

(08-08-2010, 07:24 PM)Ryder link Wrote: Didn't you retire, fool?
No, you fool 
my brother had the same problem here's a way

Actually through a bit of benchmarking I did half a month ago, you actually get a better ping on windows 7 rather than on XP, but on windows XP you get a better FPS, mainly because GTASA is optimal for Direct X9.

But yeah that "fixuruselessping" reg edit doesn't do shit at all for you. Tested it, it actually makes you lag more on games like CoD 4/5/6. :>