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Leaving LVP

As of today, I have decided to leave LVP and stop playing sa-mp altogether. I've had my VIP account for a while and have played over 200 hours ingame and I think it's time to get back to reality. I therefore resign to my clan (LY) and my VIP position. I'm selling my VIP account £5 (4.15 euros) or to anyone who makes 100 posts at my forum. It's been fun playing on LVP, but It's just taken over my life and I know I'm better without it.

Interested in buying it? http://www.thediscussionzone.com/showthread.php?tid=349

I know all the trolls are going to come in now, Mark.etc, but that's because he has nothing better to do.

See you soon!  :w
Take care!
Bye.. see ya later!!  ;)
Why "see you later". I'm not coming back. And if crew were to look around, they'd sure realise why.
Hah great idea, I'm selling my VIP status too...
Cya tomorrow ;)
DoT! I like u!  :roll:    Goodbye  :w