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After a long investigation Ronald and I had reason to believe Ralot was not who he was claiming to be. After I had a long conversation with him in which he kept changing stuff, making up shit and some more random lies we have decided we can not trust nor need someone like him in B&A. Therefor we have decided to kick him. If you want in depth information about the exact reason and what happened you can ask Ronald or me.
Okay, good work guys.
huh whys that?  :o
he always was cool  :(
whats wrong with him??
not because of the trippelpost thing or?
He was not who he claimed to be? thats a bit scary, more info please :+
(08-25-2007, 05:37 PM)benbmyers link Wrote: He was not who he claimed to be? thats a bit scary, more info please :+

Well, Ronald_McDonald found a post on some site from the user "Hyporaii", who is an ex coldthugz. Ronald also noted that this user was using the same email adress as Ralot was on this forum. When I confronted Ralot with the question who Hyporaii is he lied to me about it up to 5 times. After some long discussion he admitted being the same person as Hyporaii. But, the story doesn't end here. When confronted with the email address he claimed that his address ended with .co.uk instead of the .com which was on the forum. That again was a lie since Ralot was registered on this forum with the .com address. When I checked his profile 2 minutes later he had changed his email address to the .co.uk all of a sudden, weird... Again the story doesn't end here... When confronted with the email changing he started to tell a story about his brother. How he gave his nickname to him and that his brother knew his email password. According to him his brother also used his email address to register on the site which I started with. Anyway, during this LONG conversation the story was changed about 4 times and was filled with obvious lies. As I didn't want to waste my time on this guy anymore Ronald and I decided that it would be best to kick him out of B&A because he simply is not trustworthy at all.

And this is the SHORT version of the story, imagine...
good job guys.
Wow, nice lookin Ronald, and i think you guys made the best decision. Thanks also for giving us the explanation.
Busted. If any of you have any suspicions of anyone else, mainly new recruits, do inform either myself or Buhu and we will investigate. We're pretty tough on people who are deceitful as we want to maintain honesty and trust in the gang.

nice job guys !!!!! :+ :+