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[S] 2 Suggestions.
I got 2 suggestions,
1. A bigger banklimit:
The banklimit is 2billion because the max signed int range in Pawno is 2147483648 till -2147483648 (2^(8*4)-1 (and /2 when it's a signed variable)) but if you paste 2 (or more) int variable's to eachother or you use a plugin, than it's possible to have a bigger balance, it will takes 4*200 byte more RAM if you want a new balance of 4bill but i guess that's not really a problem. :P

2. Automatic payments (For people with a platium account):
It's somethimes annoyed that you always need to write "/withdraw [AMOUNT]" If you want to to buy small things like props, airport tax, spawnweapons, /minigames, /ramping,  /my gang color and all other commands...
So it should be handly when it automatic takes the amount from your bank account.
1) Denied. No need to have absurd amounts of money.
2) Lazy as hell, ain't we? :+