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Nickname: aizakk
Date of the ban: 12 of June 2010, 23:10 swedish time, 10 minutes over eleven ;)
Suspected Reason: Ehrm it said "health cheat" but my whole char lagged , like : I couldent get eaven less or more than 106 000 and I had 160m on my head, so I run away like hell and then I got banned for Health cheat.. Gr8  d:)b
My IP Address:
You was banned by Xen0n. You will need to wait patiently for him to reply.

If I see him on irc i'll let him know you appealed.
God damnit ._. It will take forever..
I tested you several times for health cheats, and no matter what I did you failed.  I have a good reason to believe that you were in fact bugged and lagging from some information I received from Pedro.  Thank him for your unban. 

In the future if you notice these kinds of issues it would probably be best to try correcting the issue to the best of your ability on your end... it will help avoid these kinds of mistakes.

You have been unbanned... let's hope it doesn't happen again :D