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Good job Slein and Katie
Yes! I was in jail for 2 hours for something I dident do. I just logged in and BAM! Then Slein came in and saved the day. Then Katie started banning cheaters left and right!

I <3 Katie/Slein
I am someone who plays fair, but often gave slein and/or other admins shit for being "too tough" or "grumpy" (as I put it to slein himself), but after over 20 hours of playing I see why they are the way they are.  It's easy for each player to worry about themselves in game, but to watch over a server of 125 people (almost always more than 100) to keep is safe, fun, fair and free from assholes, a new level of appreciation goes out to each and every management, admin, and mod member.  Also to the regulars who contribute to making this the best server i've ever played at.

Thanks guys and gals!  :) :) :)
I'm glad you see that now :)
Too bad some other (regular) players still don't wanna see that.