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Gary Coleman
Gary Coleman died today at the age of 42, after suffering a hemorrhage at his home outside of Salt Lake City.

He was best known for his role in Diff'rent Strokes, and died after his life support was terminated.

Loved that guy, my favorite midget. (Technicly not a midget since it was a Kidney disease that kept him small)  Curious as to how it happened.. falling at home. Suicide, accident, murder?  Much to be found out. Of course he could have just have falling down in the kitchen but him being so short theres not far to fall in regard to a trip etc.

Not going to say RIP because anyone with a bit of intelligence knows religion is bullshit, so the whole rest in peace this is kinda void when, according to my belief, when you're dead you're just a lump of decaying flesh and there is no peace to be found.

Still, he went before his time. Just hope his family/friends will cope with the loss and do the right thing and put "What'choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" on his gravestone.  Many a time in my childhood he cheered me up :)

So instead of the shallow braindead conformist sheep thing of saying RIP, all I will say is thanks Gary, You'll be remembered.
Goodnight Sweet Prince
Instead of the typical boring thread of RIPS lets do it in style!

[Image: coleman_hasselhoff.jpg]

Saw that picture many years ago.  Fuck yeah it rocked and was funny on so many levels.
Rest in peace idol :'(
I was just gonna do a thread for this.

RIP Gary Coleman.

All these legends from our childhoods, and many before my time...all dying and leaving us with the stars of tomorrow - Disney stars and Justin Bieber...sad. :(
[Image: when-gary-coleman-went-postal.jpg]

One of the happier times of Garys life.  Think we can all share and reflect on the happiness and good feelings he felt on that day. (Not really since the majority of people here are children, but one day they might, and even thats pushing it they would have problems getting ther finger in one girl, nevermind 2 in the same secks session, but we live in hope)