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Long game... fun... but has a major flaw... when you join you have no idea what team you're on... some people love defending, some hate it.

Have you ever played Unreal Tournament?  They have a game mode called Assault.

Bacially you have 2 teams - red and blue

Round 1:  Red is attacking - blue is defending.

Round 2:  Blue is attacking - red is defending

The winner is whoever 'robbed the bank' in the fastest time.  Everyone and every team gets a chance of both defending and attacking, and the best overall in the winner

Now thats a fun /robbery game, wouldn't really work with the current structure - as in the attackers spawn is far away (that even causes confusion for noobs who don't know where to return to after the robbery)
I would suggest moving the attacking spawn to somewhere closer like LVP airport gates - thats where they are coming from and have go with the cash. Mainly just to reduce the time because the game would require more time - but that can be balanced out by for every player on the attacking team they have to be in the vault to rob 35 units instead of 25

Being a defender is too boring as you have to wait a good while for the attackers to get there..so reducing the time spent in transit to the casino is good on both fronts.

With a small bit of work you can take this mingame, and others to the next level


This would be an interesting minigame, which could help fix the flaws in the current minigame. It needed to be dragged out a bit as it was supposed to resemble the mission from SA, however it could be stripped down a lot and then you simply play twice in order to pad out the playing time. I think it'd be good if this was developed in another branch (so you'd play /robbery2 or whatever) so that you can go and hack away parts of the code and still have the old working minigame intact.

That said, what do I know?!  :7