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Nickname: [KFC]j0se
Date of the ban: march 23rd 2010 around 4:00OPM GMT-8 USA TIME
Suspected Reason: 2shot ( I was trying to to check if a RP'er had cheats on, and after all he did, so I was going to /report him for hacks, but I got banned. I know the guy reported me for doing 2 shot but it was only to check if the guy cheated or not, I have been banned by this and I learned my lesson so i know best whats good for me...
Your IP address:  ( my IP is dynamic so it chanegs alot )

Hai there J0se,i was undercover on DatsiK and what u are saying isnt really true tbh,Cause if u w'd have checked her out u would'nt have brought me down to less than 50% of my health,and when i was runnin away u started 2 shottin me ill be a decent man and unban u cause today / tommorow imma have a good day,Dont want this to get in my way to be honest :7,If u did learn i hope i wont see any reports / or 2 shottin activity's from u.

Greet's D.
i admit I 2 shoted before this, but I was being honest about the hacker Rp'er.

thanks man and hope you have a blast  8)