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A policy change and a new face
As of per today, we have a change in our 2-commits-per-week policy. Due to the fact that we want a more constant number of updates in a weekly update, we've decided to move our 2-commits-per-week-week from sunday-sunday to wednesday-wednesday. This means that we require each developer to do 2 commits in a week from a wednesday to a wednesday. These commits can be everything, ranging from bugfixes to new features to textual changes. This change also means that, if you cannot make 2 commits in a given week, you will need to tell that to us on the sunday before the week starts.

The second thing is, that per today, thiaZ will join our development team. The first weeks will be for him to adept, learn the code, and start getting familiair with us. I wish you good luck and fun in helping us out thiaZ, and hope you will be able to make a lot of commits :D