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[DENIED]Banned - 3m0Panda
Nickname: 3m0Panda
Date of the ban: 6 months ago.
Suspected Reason: I dont no ? :/    ISP Banned.
Your IP address: it change, if i restart my router, (internet problem)
Seems that name hasn't been used on LVP.

However, do you know R]aZo[R, Ivan?
no, i don't know.
I get it half year ago and ... still no unbanned.
Im ISP banned and i can't connect in this server.
My friend ( nick: Se7en ) is too ISP banned, but we don't know why ?
I banned you (under [CT]3m0Panda), Se7en (under [CT]Se7en and some other variations) and a few others using the [CT] tag repeatably about 6 months ago for using cheats on LVP and then evading that ban. You will not be unbanned so do not make anymore ban appeals. In doing so you will be rewarded a permanent ban from the forums.
Thank you,