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[UNBANNED]Banned last week on Thursday
Last week I was playing and had really a lot of fun. And was joking with some other guy. He had no problems with it.
At a moment i said are you a nigger? At a funny way, and some seconds after that i was banned. But i did'nt used it to discriminate.
So can you guys unban me so i can play?

Thx in advance

Nickname: kakhoofd/EPPEL
Date of the ban: 21 january 2010, around 20 PM GMT
Suspected Reason: Discriminating
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The problem with allowing the word nigger in all contexts but that of discrimination and prejudice is that we are working with text-based communication. This does not allow for other types of communication (like body language and verbal tones) to help get the idea across, which may signal that someone is jokingly (or sarcastically) saying nigger. Because of this we cannot know when someone is using the word in an unacceptable way or a joking way.

Our solution is to ban use of the word outright.
Oke, that's clear for me now. Can you please undo the ban?