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[UNBANNED]Unbaned req
ok :? :( _O-
Merry Christmas all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O-) O-) O-) O-) O-) O-) O-) O-) O-) :+
Merry Christmas :p
TEF plzz can u unbaned me in 26  :) O-) O-) O-) O-)plzzzz? :? :?

Locked until your unban date. Please note that creating another appeal will increase your ban length.
Your new unban date is: Tuesday, December 29th.

I will unban you when it is Tuesday in my country. Don't assume you've been unbanned right when it reaches midnight in Europe. It's still early evening here. Be patient and don't attempt to rejoin the server until you are informed you are unbanned in this topic.
ok ok but we are friends and....can u unban me in 28 ?  8) 8)
No, no. After all your evasions? Your current unban date is... Thursday, December 31st. Stop attempting to use different names, Mr_NOosS. I know it's you and you'll get banned.
ohhhhh man u joke with me !! ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ..if u dont want to let me to play just tell me ....IM NOTH STUPID  :roll: :roll: :roll:
Hey Today is 31 : " Your current unban date is... Thursday, December 31st "
O-) O-) O-) O-) O-) O-)