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Question about account
I just noticed some stuff related to my account:
On sa-mp.nl it shows: Registered: Tuesday 23rd of December, 2008 (363 days ago)
although I have no doubt I registered earlier: The picture here was made when I had regular account (you can tell this because I have the /clock feature on) and it was on 16th December, so it doesn't add up :D
Also my introduction to forums was made before that date. So, where did it picked up the 23rd December? 
I know I have multiple accounts, but back then I only had this, the main one, so no chance I used any other account.
[Image: 2056qdl.jpg]
The registration date is bugged, bud. It has been for quite some time. :P
OK, thanks for the info :P, hadn't really checked out the new homepage, didn't know :D