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[introduction] Furyon
Ingame Name: Furyon
Real Name: Alexander
Country: Norway
Age: 13
Birthday: November 6.
Gender: Male
Playing SA-MP Since: 09 Summer, maybe August
Playing on LVP Since: Around August ( Only played on LVP )
Introduction: I'm  a male wich got a little engergy some times, I can be very nice some times. I dont like when people pissing me off.

I'm not Accely new on Server but i wanted to make an Introduction so people could know me better  :).

I want to make Friends on LVP and I dont want people to think wrong of me. I can be a good friend if u want to, but i can also be a bad friend if u are...

I'm hopeing on more friends!

Bye Bye all!!    HAVE FUN ON LVP  :) :) :)

ADHD unge?

"Welcome"  >:O
Funny, cos Norwegians suck... ain't that right Nudie?!?
Fuggin aye
Roy Khan and Jorn Lande are pretty cool though.
Nice to see you here  :D
ahaha, i remember you, you were the dude who started kicking his tabel after you lost clanwar, then realisizing it hurts like shit xD
